Dear Parent / Carer

Re: Lost Property

Over this last term we have seen a huge increase in the amount coats, uniform, bags, PE kits  and equipment in lost property. Unfortunately many of these items are without student names which has prevented us from returning them to their rightful owner.

On Wednesday 30th March, all lost property will be laid out in the dining hall at the end of the school day from 3.30pm – 5.30pm for students and parents to have a look through and collect anything that is there that may have been lost.

Any items of equipment, clothing or uniform collected by students will be logged for our records and anything remaining at the end of the day will either be recycled into school supplies or donated to charity.

If your child is absent and they have lost an item of clothing or equipment, please email with the details, sizes and description and we will endeavour to locate it for them.

Kind regards

Ingleby Manor School